Tag Archives: racial paternalism

The Sowell Solution

Time:   1944 Place:   Junior High School 143 in uptown Manhattan, not far from Harlem Action: Mrs. Sennett, a Guidance Counselor, is giving a classroom full of ninth graders advice about which NYC high school they should attend next year She … Continue reading

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Bloomberg Befuddled by Racial Incorrectness

It’s not often I have money-making advice for Mike Bloomberg, but here’s a suggestion: You could improve the ratings of Bloomberg Radio/TV by finding one or two conservatives to spice up the conversation, as Joe Kernen and Rick Santelli do … Continue reading

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Racism Inc. Blocks the School House Door; GOP to the Rescue

Tuesday, March 4, 2014 was a seminal day in the history of American social policy.  Seven thousand school kids, mostly black and Hispanic, went to Albany to protest NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s attack on the charter schools that were … Continue reading

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