Tag Archives: wage stagnation

Our Wages Are Stagnant and Our Budget Is Tight—so Let’s Eat Out Tonight !

Who are you going to believe, the Bureau of Labor Statistics or your own lying eyes? Based on wage data from the BLS, it has become a settled, uncontroversial, widely-recognized “fact” that wages have not increased in the U.S. for … Continue reading

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Fed Survey: Obamacare Impedes Hiring, Curbs Wage Gains

Although Chair Yellen is still mum on the topic, Federal Reserve economists have belatedly started to study the impact of Obamacare on employment and wages. Economists in three regions (San Francisco, Philadelphia, New York) used identical questions to survey employers … Continue reading

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Gross Domestic Puzzle . . . or . . . the Meaning of Maria’s Mobile

GDP is supposedly the value of the goods and services an economy “produces,” but there is a big conceptual caveat: GDP only covers goods and services that are bought and sold.  If I help my daughter with her algebra, it … Continue reading

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It’s Time to Address Climate Change, Governor Cuomo

In an October 31 media briefing on Hurricane Sandy, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo linked the storm to climate change:  “For us to say this is once-in-a-generation, that it’s not going to happen again, as elected officials that would be … Continue reading

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Green Poverty

The absurd spectacle of the U.S. burning 40% of its corn crop as ethanol during a drought that has sent corn prices skyrocketing exemplifies a broader problem.  While professing grave concern about “wage stagnation” and the financial plight of the … Continue reading

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